Of Passing Clouds , 2021  I  40 x 55 inches  |  Acrylic gouache on paper
  Waiting , 2020, 17 x 11 inches  |  Watercolor on paper
  For Those Who Mourn (With You) , 2020, 55 x 36 inches  |  Watercolor on paper
  So Much to Hold (for Vincent) , 2021, 54 x 34 inches  |  Acrylic Gouache on paper
  Idyllic Like Life , 2021, 15 x 11 inches  |  Acrylic Gouache on paper
  Other Skies , 2021, 30 x 22 inches  |  Watercolor on paper
  Flutter, Flush , 2021, 11 x 15 inches  |  Acrylic Gouache on paper
  The Wee Hours , 2021, 15 x 11 inches  |  Watercolor and acrylic gouache on paper
  Rainshadow , 2021, 22 x 30 inches  |  Acrylic gouache and watercolor on paper
  Journey's Invitation , 2021,  55 x 40 inches  |  Acrylic gouache on paper
  Wonder, Wander , 2020,  15 x 11 inches  |  Watercolor on paper
  For the Journey , 2020, 30 x 22 inches  |  Acrylic gouache on paper
  Gathering , 2020, 30 x 22 inches  |  Acrylic gouache on paper
  Gathering , 2020, 30 x 22 inches  |  Acrylic gouache on paper
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